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Hugh Gilliam’s FIABCI Journey Leads to President of Global Property Pros

Hugh Gilliam joined the International Real Estate Federation (FIABCI-USA Chapter) in December 2010 to expand his real estate business globally. By 2020 he had networked with hundreds of members within 70-plus countries, rebooted the Atlanta Local Council, was named Vice President of Local Councils, and served on the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors. He was elected President of the FIABCI-USA Chapter by its membership in May 2020.

In May 2021, the now-past World President of FIABCI, Florentino Dulalia (Quezon City, Philippines), awarded Mr. Gilliam with the FIABCI Medal of Honor. Mr. Dulalia remarked, “Amidst the challenges of a global pandemic, Hugh Gilliam exemplified outstanding leadership as he navigated our national organization through uncharted waters.”

“Mr. Gilliam seamlessly adapted to the sudden shift to virtual meetings and kept the team motivated, engaged, and connected. His unwavering dedication and resilience helped the FIABCI-USA Chapter achieve great success despite the circumstances. Mr. Gilliam proved that true leaders emerge and thrive in times of crisis.”

Because of the cancellation of in-person meetings and other reasons beyond their control, Hugh Gilliam did not receive the actual Medal of Honor until the 73rd FIABCI World Congress in Miami, Florida, on the evening of June 7, 2023. He was pinned by the FIABCI World President, Susan Greenfield of NYC.

After Mr. Gilliam’s Presidency with the FIABCI-USA Chapter, he began collaborating with RealtyHive Owner and CEO Wade Micoley to assist in developing an exciting global platform for brokers and real estate agents. Global Property Pros is a platform that aims to connect agents, brokers, and other real estate-related entities worldwide, offering them a centralized location to market their properties and services to a global audience. It will revolutionize the industry’s operations and expand opportunities for real estate professionals and clients.

At the installation of Carla Kidd as the new President of FIABCI-USA in May 2023, she announced a partnership with Global Property Pros, hereby offering a free membership to all Chapter members.”Having a global marketing platform for our organization just adds another level of value for our members. One thing agents always needed was a way to showcase their listings to other professionals worldwide. The world has become smaller due to GPP and all it offers to build referral relationships and sales.”

Mr. Gilliam is so excited that Global Property Pros and FIABCI-USA have formed this relationship. “The sky is the limit on this platform, and I encourage each FIABCI-USA member to log in and get started. You will receive buyer leads, the ability to track leads worldwide, access marketing and listing tools, and review valuable educational tips along the way.”

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